basic knowledge of civil engg

Civil engineers design major construction projects such as home construction, tunnels, roads, airports, highways, dams and bridges.  They should have a wide range of skills ranging from project costing, estimated project completion time, and surveying to geology.

civil engineering basic knowledge


Civil Engineering Basics To Be A For Successful Civil Engineer  

    Civil engineering is one of the major branch of old engineering branches and one of the most sought career options in the field of engineering. As we all know that Civil Engineers are in demand everywhere. From municipal work to large construction projects. Basic knowledge is very important for a civil engineer to be successful in civil engineering.

        There has always been a high demand for civil engineers in the construction sector, infrastructure, real estate, construction projects, oil, gas, water treatment and other related industries. A civil engineer needs to know the basic knowledge of civil engineering.

   Having the necessary basic knowledge in civil engineering helps a fresher civil engineer to gain proficiency in skills, qualities and technical skills.

            As a fresher civil engineer, it is recommended that you should add each of the skill knowledge such as essential software knowledge, surveying knowledge, material testing knowledge and construction knowledge to your resume and career profile.                                                                                                                                            

Civil Engineering Basic Knowledge

         Many civil engineers have jobs that require a very practical role in construction, while others may have positions heavy in supervisory and administrative skills. Therefore, civil engineers need to know the basics of civil engineering. So that he can perform different types of responsibilities in different types of fields.                                

Civil Engineering Basics Technical Skills                             

  Engineers must be proficient in design techniques and work with maps, drawings, models, billing software and CAD software. Civil Engineer needs to be able to predict any possible problem and find proper solution to the problems.
 Every civil engineer must possess a high level of technical prowess as well as managerial skills to carry out construction projects. Following are some of the techniques they need to know

Maths Skills                                     

Civil engineers use the principles of calculus, trigonometry and other advanced topics in mathematics for analysis, design and problem solving in their work. That's why it is also important to have a grip in maths.

Tests Of  Building Materials

A civil engineer should have proper knowledge of various tests of building materials. Some of the actual test information is given which are listed below :

Concrete test : deceleration test, compression test, split tensile test, soundness test, consistency test, tensile strength test etc.

Soil test : Core cutter test, Triaxial test, Compaction test, Consolidation test, Sand replacement test etc.

Bitumen Test : Ductility Test, Gravity Test, Softening Point Test, Penetration Test etc.

Investigation of soil

Different types of soil tests are done to determine the stability of the soil before starting the construction. So as a civil engineer, you must have adequate knowledge of these tests conducted on site.

Physical examination of soils takes place on site for the purpose of geotechnical design, foundations, retaining walls and soil improvement. Site work usually includes penetration test, cone penetration test, vane shear test etc. Typically, laboratory tests on soil samples taken from site work are carried out to determine the engineering properties of the soil.

Uses Of Surveying instruments

The use of survey instruments like total station, theodolite, ranging rods, etc. is also mandatory for every Civil Engineer. These instruments are used for marking and measurement in site.

Standerd Codes Used In Construction

Each country has its own standard safety specifications (Standard Codes) for construction related works. All new construction should be done following all the rules and procedures mentioned in the Standard Code. Otherwise, a structure will be more likely to fail.

Bar Bending Shedule

Basic knowledge of bar bending schedule in civil engineering is essential. It provides calculations for reinforcement of RC beams, columns, slabs, roofs, such as cutting length, bending, bending size etc.

Drawing And Design

Drawing or designs are the primary key of any construction project. It provides all the required specifications for the project. Every site engineer should have the power to analyze such drawings and designs. All types project design measurements are described in the drawing sheet.

Estimation And Bills

A construction project requires a Civil Engineer to prepare estimates and bills. Along with this, the marketing rate of the material used in the construction should also be known. Apart from this, it is better if you have knowledge of Microsoft Excel or Easy - Pro Builders Estimator software.

Quality Control

Civil Engineer should have basic knowledge of quality control. Quality control minimizes other project costs and avoids unnecessary maintenance costs in the future.

Construction Management

Construction management is concerned with the management in which a group of different categories of people work together, in a planned and organized manner to execute the project economically without affecting the quality. It is very important for the following factors:

1. To check up the wastage of material and labour.

2. To complete the work in the shortest possible time.

3. To have less construction cost.

4. To improve the quality of work by using modern construction equipments. 

5. Knowledge of safety measures etc. is also an essential aspect.

Contract Management

Part of managing your project includes managing suppliers. Most functions will have an element of supply.

Contract management is about being able to proactively manage that purchase. In which project managers have been able to rely on their finance departments to complete this type of task (and the legal team to manage the terms of the deal). These days, everyone is under pressure to do more with less, this is a big problem for project managers that they tend to slack off when it comes to procurement.

Decision Making

Civil Engineers often balance several conflicting objectives, such as determining the feasibility of plans with regard to financial costs and safety concerns. Urban and regional planners often look to Civil Engineers for advice on these issues. Civil Engineers must make sound decisions based on best practices, technical knowledge and experience.