quality of water from various sources

Pure water is not found in nature. It may contain impurities like sand, silt , clay and other inorganic matter.

quality of water
quality of water civil engineering

The impurities in water may be classified as follows :

1. suspended impurities in water. 

The solid particles, which are dispersed in water and large enough to be removed by filtration or setting by sedimentation are known as suspended impurities in water. These impurities are microscopic and include protozoa, algae, fungi (which causes colour, odour and turbidity) clay, silt, mineral matter, organic and inorganic matter (which causes turbidity) and bacteria (which causes disease). The suspended impurities cause turbidity in water. The concentration of a suspended substance in water is measured by its turbidity.

2. colloidal impurities in water examples.

Finely divided dispersions of solid particles that are not visible with the naked eye and cannot be removed by ordinary filters are known as colloidal impurities in water. These impurities if associated with organic matter having bacterias become the chief source of epidemic. The colour of water is mostly due to the presence of colloidal particles impurity in water. The amount of colloidal impurities in water is determined by colour tests.

3. the dissolved impurities in water.

The impurities like organic compounds, inorganic salts and gases in the form of  solids, liquids and gases which are dissolved in water, are known as dissolved impurities in water. The following are the various dissolved impurities and their effects in water :

dissolved impurities in water