Sanitary Engineering work object

Sanitary engineering work is that branch of Public Health Engineering which deals with the removal and disposal of sewage to maintain healthy living conditions. The main objects of the sewage disposal are as follows:

1. Proper disposal of human excreta in a safe place before creating an unhealthy situation in the area.

2. Dispose of waste water from an area so that it does not become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

3. Dispose of sewage after it has been treated so that the receiving land is not polluted.

4. To supply sewage after treatment for irrigation purposes.

sanitary engineering
Sanitary Engineering

Terms used in Sanitary Engineering work

The following are the important terms used in sanitary engineering :

1 Sewage. 

The used water mixed with organic and inorganic solids, fluid wastes from houses, factories and dry weather flow, is called sewage.

2. Sanitary sewage. 

The domestic sewage which is generated from the sanitary facilities of residential buildings, commercial buildings, factories and institutions etc. is called sanitary sewage.

3. Crude or raw sewage. 

Untreated sewage is called crude or raw sewage.

4. Storm sewage. 

The amount of liquid waste that flows into the sewers during the rainy season is called storm sewage.

5. Combined sewage. 

The combination of sanitary sewage surface water and storm water with or without industrial waste is known as combined sewage.

6. Sewer.

A circular section underground pipe or conduit used to carry sewage is called a sewer.

7. Branch sewer.

A sewer that receives sewage from a small area and is discharged into a main sewer is called a branch sewer.

8. The main sewer or trunk sewer.

A sewer which receives sewage from the collection system serving as an outlet for large area, is known as main or trunk sewer. 

9. Outfall of sewer

A sewer which receives sewage from the collection system and conducts it to a point of final disposal, is called an outfall sewer.

10. Combined sewer flow. 

A sewer flow which receives storm water, suface run-off and sewage is called a combined sewer flow.

11. Common sewer line. 

A sewer line which can be used for flow of storm water or sewage with equal rights of use, is called a common sewer line.

12. Sanitary sewer

A sewer which is intended to carry sanitary sewage, is called sanitary sewer. 

13. Sewerage. 

A process of collecting sewage and delivering it to the disposal point, is called sewerage.

14. Infiltration. 

The water which leaks into sewers from the ground, is called infiltration.

15. Ex-filtration. 

The leakage of sewage from sewer into the soil surrounding water, is called ex-filtration.

16. Waste. 

The used water and other things which are thrown off in one from or the other, is called a waste. The waste may be dry waste, liquid waste and semi-liquid waste.

17. Dry waste. 

The waste which does not contain any moisture, is known as dry waste. The garbage, rubbish and ashes are the three form of dry waste.

18. Liquid waste. 

The used water from bathrooms, kitchens, washbasins, urinals, latrines, is called a liquid waste. The water from bathrooms, kitchens, washbasins and washing places is called sullage. It is free from organic matter.

19. Semi-liquid waste. 

The waste containing organic matter, is called a semi-liquid waste, i.e., night soil and human excreta.